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Christopher always knew how to make people laugh and was a daredevil. He had no fear which would have been helpful if he were a stunt man. One day when he was about 12 years old the police brought him home. They said passersby had spotted him and several other boys jumping off of Spaulding Dam into the water. When I questioned Christopher about understanding the dangers of jumping off the dam and the under tow near the power plant he stated "Oh Diane, we weren't swimming to the bottom!" No fear!! He would ride his bicycle down the center of 4 lanes of traffic and of course he lost his eye while playing with bottle rockets. Quite the adventurous child. He will be missed for his vibrant spirit and living life to the fullest in just 27 short years.


Chris was always full of life. Never once do i recall a time shared with him where the words "bored" come into play. His adversity to overcome the worlds obstacles was inspiring and his natural enjoyment of life no matter what was unmatched. He leaves behind a legacy that is irreplaceable and a void that will be very challenging to fill. Let Chris inspire us all to test ourselves each day to live our lives to the fullest and never back down when life hands us lemons. Thank you Chris for always staying true to yourself and for your dedication to those deares. Some people thought i was related to you like a brother and sometimes i honestly thought i was I will never forget you and make sure no one every will as long as i live. LOVE YA!!!!!!!!!


[Chrisalwaysremembered ][Chrisalwaysremembered2][Chrisalwaysremembered3]